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Eligibility + Enroll

Full-Time Health Benefits

Establishing Eligibility

To be eligible for benefits in any month, you must meet these four requirements:

  1. You are a 1400 Hour or 1560 Hour employee under the collective bargaining agreement between your union and your employer.
  2. You are on the seniority list as of the first day of that month.
  3. You worked at least 80 hours for a participating employer during the preceding month.
  4. Your participating employer made the required contribution to JBT for your coverage.

When Coverage Begins

  • If you meet eligibility requirements before the 15th of the month: Your coverage starts, retroactively, on the first day of that month. (Example: If you meet the eligibility requirements as of February 10, your coverage begins on February 1.)
  • If you meet eligibility requirements between the 15th and last day of the month: Your coverage starts on the first day of the following month. (Example: If you meet the eligibility requirements as of February 22, your coverage begins on March 1.)

Maintaining Coverage

Your employer-paid coverage continues as long as you:

  1. You remain on the 1400 Hour or 1560 Hour seniority list as of the beginning of each month, and
  2. You worked at least 80 hours during the previous month.

Here’s an example:

Month Hours Worked Your eligibility for employer-sponsored coverage
August 80 Establishes your eligibility for coverage through September 30.
September 80 Your September hours establish your eligibility for coverage through October 31.
October 80 Your October hours establish your eligibility for coverage through November 30.
November 80 Your November hours establish your eligibility for coverage through December 31.

Check out the examples under the Losing Eligibility/Coverage section to see what happens with eligibility if you do not work required hours, if you leave your job, or if you are laid off.

Dependent Coverage

Your spouse and dependent child(ren) are eligible for benefits when you are eligible. Their coverage is not automatic; you need to complete enrollment for them. Get information about the enrollment process and required paperwork in the Enroll in Benefits section below.

Dependents include the following:

  • Spouse/registered domestic partner.
  • Child(ren) under age 26, including:
    • Natural child(ren).
    • Stepchild(ren).
    • Legally adopted child(ren)/child(ren) placed with you for adoption.
    • Child(ren) for whom you are the legal guardian.
    • Child(ren) of your registered domestic partner who depend on you for support and who live with you in a regular parent/child relationship.
    • Child(ren) for whom the court has issued a qualified medical child support order (QMCSO).
  • Child(ren) older than age 26 who are permanently and totally disabled and rely on you for support; they must have been covered by the plan before reaching age 26.

Contact JBT to confirm your dependents meet the plan’s eligibility criteria.

Losing Eligibility/Coverage

You and your dependents may lose eligibility for the following reasons:

  • You do not work 80 hours or more in a month.
  • Your employment ends.
  • You are not on the month’s seniority list.
  • Your employer stops making the contributions required for your coverage.
  • You die.
  • Your dependent no longer meets the plan’s definition of a dependent—for example, your child turns 26 or you and your spouse divorce.
  • The plan is discontinued.

Special rules apply for layoffs and disability; see the examples below. Also, you can lose eligibility for other reasons, such as being called to active duty military service or taking a leave from your job. Contact JBT for more details.

If you lose eligibility because of your hours worked, seniority, or leaving your job, your employer-paid coverage will end on the earlier of:

  • The end of the month following the month you last worked 80 hours, or
  • The end of the month your employment ends, regardless of the number of hours you worked during the month.

Here are two examples showing how your hours worked maintain your eligibility for coverage and what happens if you do not meet eligibility requirements; contact JBT if you have questions related to your situation.

You Quit Your Job

Month Hours Worked Your eligibility for employer-sponsored coverage
August 80 Establishes your eligibility for coverage through September 30.
September 80 Establishes your eligibility for coverage through October 31.
October 80—You leave your job on October 25 Your coverage ends on October 31. Although you worked the required hours, you quit on October 25. So, you are not eligible for coverage in November because you are not on the seniority list on November 1.

You will have the option to pay for and continue coverage through COBRA.
November 0—You left your job Your employer-paid coverage ended on October 31.

You Retire

Month Hours Worked Your eligibility for employer-sponsored coverage
July 80 Establishes your eligibility for coverage through August 31.
August 80 Establishes your eligibility for coverage through September 30.
September 80—You retire on September 25 Although your September hours normally would have established your eligibility for coverage through October 31, you retired in September. So you will not be on the seniority list on October 1. Your coverage ends on September 30.

You will have the option to pay for and continue coverage through COBRA, or you may have the option to enroll in the retiree plan.
October 0—You retired! Your employer-paid coverage ended on September 30.

Disability and Layoff Protection

If you don’t work 80 hours because you are injured or sick, or because of a layoff, you may continue your employer-paid coverage as follows:

  • Industrial injury—Continue coverage until the end of the month that your Workers’ Compensation benefits end or for 12 months, whichever comes first.
  • Sickness or non-work related injury—Continue coverage until you return to work or for 12 months, whichever comes first.
  • Layoff—Continue coverage until you are recalled to work or for 12 months, whichever comes first.

Here’s an example showing how you can maintain coverage during a layoff; contact JBT if you have questions related to your situation.

Month Hours Worked Your eligibility for employer-sponsored coverage
August 80 Establishes your eligibility for coverage through September 30.
September 80—You are laid off on September 25 Establishes your eligibility for coverage through October 31, because you are still on the seniority list.
October 0 You are covered through October 31 based on hours worked in September.
November–October 0 per month You are covered through October of the following year, unless you are called back to work. When you go back to work, the plan’s rules for maintaining eligibility apply.

Options for Continuing Coverage

If you lose employer-paid coverage, you may have two self-pay options for continuing your coverage for a limited time: JBT self-pay and COBRA continuation coverage.

As an alternative to the self-pay options, you may want to consider purchasing health insurance coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. Learn more.

JBT Self-Pay Coverage

Coverage and cost

If you purchase JBT self-pay coverage, you get our entire benefit package (medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, and life insurance) and pay its full cost.

The monthly cost for JBT self-pay coverage for most participants is:

  • Advantage PPO—$1,634.00.
  • Prudent Buyer PPO—$1,834.00.
  • Kaiser HMO—$1,694.00.

If you elect JBT self-pay coverage, you and your dependents will not be entitled to elect COBRA coverage after self-pay coverage ends.

When you can self-pay and for how long

You become eligible for JBT self-pay in the event of:

  • A layoff—You can elect self-pay for up to 24 additional months after your employer-paid coverage ends.
  • A work-related disability or personal medical leave—You can elect self-pay for up to 24 additional months after your employer-paid coverage ends.
  • An approved leave absence—You can elect self-pay for up to 24 additional months after your employer-paid coverage ends.
  • A plant closure—You can elect self-pay for up to 12 additional months after your employer-paid coverage ends.

Note: Except in the case of a plant closure you cannot exercise JBT plan provisions to self-pay when you lose coverage because you are terminated, quit, or retire. However, you may have COBRA rights, as explained below.

Electing JBT self-pay coverage

  • To elect the JBT self-pay option, contact your employer or JBT.
  • Your self-payments can be set up through your employer, or you can pay JBT directly.
  • You must make self-payments by the 6th of each month.
  • Self-payments must start the month after your employer-paid coverage ends.
  • Unlike COBRA, you do not have 60 days to elect self-pay coverage, and there is no grace period for self-payments.

COBRA Continuation Coverage

Coverage and cost

With COBRA, you can pay for just medical and prescription drug coverage (core coverage) or add dental and vision (full coverage). The monthly premiums as of October 1, 2022 for most participants are:

  • Core coverage—Medical and prescription drug coverage for yourself and dependents:
    • Advantage PPO—$1,685.00.
    • Prudent Buyer PPO—$1,846.00.
    • Kaiser HMO—$1,729.00.
  • Full coverage—Medical, prescription drug, dental, and vision coverage for yourself and dependents:
    • Advantage PPO—$1,799.00.
    • Prudent Buyer PPO—$1,960.00.
    • Kaiser HMO—$1,832.00.

Qualifying event and how long you can self-pay for COBRA coverage

You or your dependents may become eligible for COBRA due to:

  • Termination, retirement, approved leave, disability, sickness, layoff, or plant closure—You may pay for COBRA coverage for up to 18 months less the number of months that your employer paid for coverage during your disability, sickness, or layoff. For example, if your employer paid for 12 months of coverage during your disability, you may elect COBRA coverage for six additional months.

    If you or a dependent is disabled when COBRA coverage would normally end, you can purchase an additional 11 months of COBRA coverage at a higher premium. Contact JBT for details.
  • Your death—Your spouse and dependents may be able to elect COBRA for up to 36 months.
  • Your divorce—Your spouse and stepchild(ren) may be able to elect COBRA for up to 36 months.
  • Your child(ren) no longer qualify as dependents—Child(ren) may be able to elect COBRA for up to 36 months.

Enrolling in COBRA coverage

You will receive a notice from JBT when you become eligible for COBRA coverage. You need to notify JBT within 60 days if your spouse or dependent child(ren) no longer meet the dependent eligibility criteria, and you want to enroll them in COBRA.

Your COBRA notice will include details about how long your coverage runs and the monthly cost and instructions for paying your premium.

You need to enroll and make the required premium payments by the deadlines included on the notice.

Health Insurance Marketplace

Coverage and cost

As an alternative to COBRA, you may want to consider your state’s Health Insurance Marketplace exchange (called Covered California in California). The marketplace may offer you a range of health insurance plans to meet your needs, and, depending on your income, you may be eligible for subsidies that reduce your premium cost.

If you do not live in California year-round, you may be able to find Health Insurance Marketplace options in your state.

Also, depending on your income level, you may be eligible for other public options like Medi-Cal, Medicaid, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

When you can enroll in a marketplace plan

You may become eligible to purchase coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace when you lose your employer-paid coverage. You need to enroll within 60 days of your loss of coverage.

Learn more:
California: coveredca.com or 800-300-1506.
Outside of California: healthcare.gov or 800-318-2596.

Seasonal Medical Benefits

Establishing Eligibility

To be eligible for benefits coverage in any month, you must meet these four requirements:

  1. You attained three-year seniority status on or before July 1, 2003.
  2. You are on the seniority list as of the first day of the month.
  3. You worked at least 80 hours during the preceding month.
  4. Your employer made contributions on your behalf.

Coverage begins on the first day of the month that you meet all four eligibility conditions above.

Maintaining Coverage

Medical, Prescription Drug, and Substance Abuse

Your coverage continues as long as you work at least 80 hours in the preceding month, and you meet the other conditions listed above. For example, 80 hours of work in August establishes your eligibility for coverage through September 30. And if you work 80 hours in September, but only 40 in October 2020, your medical coverage will end on October 31, 2020.


Your coverage continues as long as you work at least 80 hours in the preceding month, and you meet the other conditions listed above. If you lose eligibility, your dental coverage continues for an additional month (the “grace month”). For example, if you work 80 hours in September, but only 40 in October 2020, your medical coverage will end on October 31, 2020, and your dental coverage will continue to November 30, 2020.

A 90-day coverage extension may also apply. If your dentist submits a treatment plan while you are covered, you can continue to receive benefits for that treatment for up to 90 days. Continuing the example above, you can receive benefits for your dental treatment through the end of February for a treatment plan based on work done by November 30.


You need to work at least 80 hours in one month during a calendar year to establish vision coverage for the next year.

For example, if you worked 80 hours in September 2020, your coverage based on this work, starts January 1, 2021 and continues through December 31, 2021. To be covered in 2020, you must have worked at least 80 hours during one month in 2019.

Note, you cannot enroll your child(ren) in vision coverage.

Dependent Coverage

Your dependent child(ren) are eligible for medical, prescription drug, dental, and substance abuse benefits when you become eligible. Their coverage is not automatic – you need to complete enrollment for them. Get information about the enrollment process and paperwork required in the Enroll in Benefits section below.

Dependents include the following:

  • Child(ren) under age 26, including:
    • Natural child(ren).
    • Stepchild(ren).
    • Legally adopted child(ren)/child(ren) placed with you for adoption.
    • Child(ren) for whom you are the legal guardian.
    • Child(ren) of your registered domestic partner who depend on you for support and who live with you in a regular parent/child relationship.
    • Child(ren) for whom the court has issued a qualified medical child support order (QMCSO).
  • Child(ren) older than age 26 who are permanently and totally disabled and rely on you for support; they must have been covered by the plan before reaching age 26.

Contact JBT to confirm your dependents meet the plan’s eligibility criteria.

Spouses and registered domestic partners are not eligible for coverage under the Seasonal Medical Benefits Plan. Also, dependent child(ren) are not eligible for vision coverage; you can enroll yourself only.

Losing Eligibility/Coverage

You and any dependents you cover will lose eligibility for employer-paid coverage on the last day of the month in which any of the following occurs:

  • Your employment ends with a JBT-contributing employer, regardless of how many hours you worked that month.
  • You do not work 80 hours during a month. For example, 80 hours of work in August establishes your coverage through September 30. If you do not work 80 hours in September, you will not have coverage in October.
  • Your employer stops making the contributions required for your coverage.
  • You die.
  • Your dependent child(ren) no longer meet the plan’s eligibility requirements—for example, your child turns 26.
  • The plan is discontinued.

You can lose eligibility for other reasons, such as being called to active duty military service or taking a leave from your job. Contact JBT for more details.

Options for Continuing Coverage

If you lose employer-paid coverage:

  • You may want to consider purchasing health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace (Covered California or through your state’s marketplace), or
  • You may be eligible to continue JBT benefits through COBRA continuation coverage.

For details, review the Seasonal Medical Benefits Summary Plan Description.

Health Insurance Marketplace

Coverage and cost

As an alternative to COBRA, you may want to consider your state’s Health Insurance Marketplace exchange (called Covered California in California). The marketplace may offer you a range of health insurance plans to meet your needs, and, depending on your income, you may be eligible for subsidies that reduce your premium cost.

If you do not live in California year-round, you may be able to find Health Insurance Marketplace options in your state.

Also, depending on your income level, you may be eligible for other public options like Medi-Cal, Medicaid, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

When you can enroll in a marketplace plan

You may become eligible to purchase coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace when you lose your employer-paid coverage. You need to enroll within 60 days of your loss of coverage.

Learn more:
California: coveredca.com or 800-300-1506.
Outside of California: healthcare.gov or 800-318-2596.

COBRA Continuation Coverage

Coverage and cost

With COBRA, you can pay for just medical and prescription drug coverage (core coverage) or add dental and vision (full coverage). The premiums as of July 1, 2022, are noted below:

  • Core coverage—Medical and prescription drug coverage for yourself and dependents:
    • Advantage PPO—$582.00.
    • Prudent Buyer PPO—$670.00.
  • Full coverage—Medical, prescription drug, dental, and vision coverage for yourself; medical, prescription drug, and dental for your dependents:
    • Advantage PPO—$642.00.
    • Prudent Buyer PPO—$730.00.

Qualifying event and how long you can self-pay for COBRA coverage

You or your dependent child(ren) may become eligible for COBRA due to:

  • Termination or retirement.
  • Reduction in hours worked that affects your coverage.
  • Your death.
  • Your child(ren) no longer qualify as dependents (for example, if you divorce, your stepchild(ren) will no longer qualify).

Your dependent child(ren) may be able to continue COBRA coverage for up to 36 months if they lose coverage as a result of your death or because they no longer qualify as a dependent (i.e. turn age 26).

Enrolling in COBRA coverage

You will receive a notice from JBT when you become eligible for COBRA coverage. You need to notify JBT within 60 days if a dependent child no longer meets the dependent eligibility criteria, and you want to enroll them in COBRA.

Your COBRA notice will include details about how long your coverage runs, the monthly cost, and instructions for paying your premium.

You need to enroll and make required premium payments by the deadlines included in the notice.

Seasonal Benefits

You are eligible for dental and vision benefits as explained below. You can enroll your dependent child(ren) in dental coverage when you become eligible. Note, your spouse/registered domestic partner is not eligible for this coverage.

Establishing Eligibility

To be eligible for benefits coverage in any month, you must meet these four requirements:

  1. You attained three-year seniority status on or after July 1, 2003.
  2. You are on the seniority list as of the first day of the month.
  3. You worked at least 80 hours during the preceding month.
  4. Your employer made contributions on your behalf.

Coverage begins on the first day of the month that you meet all four eligibility conditions above.

When Coverage Begins

  • If you meet eligibility requirements before the 15th of the month: Your coverage starts, retroactively, on the first day of that month. (Example: If you meet the eligibility requirements as of February 10, your coverage begins on February 1.)
  • If you meet eligibility requirements between the 15th and last day of the month: Your coverage starts on the first day of the following month. (Example: If you meet the eligibility requirements as of February 22, your coverage begins on March 1.)

Maintaining Coverage

Your coverage continues as long as you work at least 80 hours in the preceding month, and you meet the other conditions listed above. If you do not work 80 hours, here’s what happens with your dental and vision coverage.


Your dental coverage continues for an additional month (the “grace month”). For example, you work 80 hours in September, but only 40 hours in October 2020. You are covered in October because of September hours, and your dental coverage continues through November 30, 2020, because of the grace month.

A 90-day coverage extension may also apply. If your dentist submits a treatment plan while you are covered, you can continue to receive benefits for that treatment for up to 90 days. Continuing the example above, you can receive benefits for your dental treatment through the end of February for a treatment plan based on work done by November 30.


You need to work at least 80 hours resulting in an employer contribution to this plan during one month in a calendar year to establish vision coverage for the next year.

For example, if you worked 80 hours in September 2020, your coverage based on this work, starts January 1, 2021 and continues through December 31, 2021. To be covered in 2020, you must have worked at least 80 hours resulting in an employer contribution to this plan during one month in 2019.

Note, you cannot enroll your child(ren) in vision coverage.

Dependent Coverage

Your dependent child(ren) are eligible for dental when you are eligible. Their coverage is not automatic; you need to complete enrollment for them. Get information about the enrollment process and paperwork required in the Enroll in Benefits section below.

Your dependent child(ren) include your:

  • Child(ren) under age 26, including:
    • Natural child(ren).
    • Stepchild(ren).
    • Legally adopted child(ren)/child(ren) placed with you for adoption.
    • Child(ren) for whom you are the legal guardian.
    • Child(ren) of your registered domestic partner who depend on you for support and who live with you in a regular parent/child relationship.
    • Child(ren) for whom the court has issued a qualified medical child support order (QMCSO).
  • Child(ren) older than age 26 who are permanently and totally disabled and rely on you for support; they must have been covered by the plan before reaching age 26.

Contact JBT to confirm your dependents meet the plan’s eligibility criteria.

Spouses and registered domestic partners are not eligible for coverage under the New Entrant plan. Also, dependent child(ren) are not eligible for vision coverage; you can enroll yourself only.

Losing Eligibility/Coverage

You and any dependents you cover will lose eligibility for employer-paid coverage on the last day of the month in which any of the following occurs:

  • Your employment ends with a contributing employer to the JBT, regardless of how many hours you worked that month.
  • You do not work 80 hours during a month. For example, 80 hours of work in August establishes your coverage through September 30. If you do not work 80 hours in September, you will not have coverage in October.
  • Your employer stops making the contributions required for your coverage.
  • You die.
  • Your dependent child no longer meets the plan’s eligibility requirements—for example, your child turns 26.
  • The plan is discontinued.

You can lose eligibility for other reasons, such as being called to active duty military service or taking a leave from your job. Contact JBT for more details.

Options for Continuing Coverage

If you lose employer-paid coverage:

  • You may want to consider purchasing health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace (Covered California or through your state’s marketplace), or
  • You may be eligible to continue JBT benefits through COBRA continuation coverage

Health Insurance Marketplace

Coverage and cost

As an alternative to COBRA, you may want to consider your state’s Health Insurance Marketplace exchange (called Covered California in California). The marketplace may offer you a range of health insurance plans to meet your needs, and, depending on your income, you may be eligible for subsidies that reduce your premium cost.

If you do not live in California year-round, you may be able to find Health Insurance Marketplace options in your state.

Also, depending on your income level, you may be eligible for other public options like Medi-Cal, Medicaid, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

When you can enroll in a marketplace plan

You may become eligible to purchase coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace when you lose your employer-paid coverage. You need to enroll within 60 days of losing your coverage.

Learn more:
California: coveredca.com or 800-300-1506.
Outside of California: healthcare.gov or 800-318-2596.

COBRA Continuation Coverage

Coverage and cost

With COBRA, you can pay for dental and vision. The premium is $74.00 per month.

Qualifying event and how long you can self-pay for COBRA coverage

You or your dependent child(ren) may become eligible for COBRA due to:

  • Termination or retirement.
  • Reduction in hours worked that affects your coverage.
  • Your death.
  • Your child(ren) no longer qualify as dependents (for example, if you divorce, your stepchild(ren) will no longer qualify).

Your dependent child(ren) may be able to continue COBRA coverage for up to 36 months if they lose coverage as a result of your death or because they no longer qualify as a dependent (i.e. turn age 26).

Enrolling in COBRA coverage

You will receive a notice from JBT when you become eligible for COBRA coverage. You need to notify JBT within 60 days if a dependent child no longer meets the dependent eligibility criteria, and you want to enroll them in COBRA.

Your COBRA notice will include details about how long your coverage runs, the monthly cost, and instructions for paying your premium.

You need to enroll and make required premium payments by the deadlines included in the notice.

Enroll in Benefits

You can enroll in benefits when you meet the eligibility requirements for your participant group: Full-Time Health Benefits, Seasonal Medical Benefits, or Seasonal Benefits.

Your enrollment is effective on the first day of the month JBT receives all the required paperwork, including your enrollment form and required dependent documentation such as your marriage certificate, birth certificates/adoption papers for dependents, etc.

Enrollment for newborns and adopted child(ren) is retroactive to their birthdate or adoption date, provided you submit an enrollment form and required documents within 31 days of the birth/adoption.

Dependent enrollment is not automatic; you must submit an enrollment forms and all required documents required for your spouse and child(ren).

Complete Enrollment: Newly Eligible

When you become eligible to enroll in employer-paid benefits, take the following steps, based on your collective bargaining agreement.

Full-Time Health Benefits

  1. When you receive your benefits package, complete and return the Enrollment Form for Full-Time Health Benefits. You will use the form to choose a medial plan and name a beneficiary for your death benefits. The form asks for your and your dependents’ personal information (name, address, Social Security number, gender, date of birth, etc.). To cover your dependents, you need to provide a birth certificate for each child and a marriage certificate for your spouse before they will be enrolled.
  2. Choose your medical plan. The plan you choose will also cover any family members you enroll. If you are newly eligible under the Full-Time Health Benefits Plan and do not choose a medical plan, you will automatically been enrolled in the Advantage PPO plan. If you choose Kaiser, you will also need to complete a Kaiser HMO Enrollment Form. You will have the opportunity to change your medical plan election during each year's open enrollment period. Anyone who first became eligible for the Full-Time Health Benefits Plan prior to October 1, 2022, will have the additional option of the Prudent Buyer Plan.

    Anyone who became eligible for the Full-Time Health Benefits Plan on or after October 1, 2022 will not be allowed to enroll in the Anthem Blue Cross Prudent Buyer option.

  3. Contact JBT if do not receive a benefits package.

Seasonal Medical Benefits (you attained three-year seniority status on or before July 1, 2003)

  1. When you receive your benefits package, complete and return the Enrollment Form for Seasonal Medical Benefits. You will use the form to choose a medical plan. The form asks for your and your dependent child(ren)’s personal information (name, address, Social Security number, gender, date of birth, etc.). To cover your dependent child(ren), you need to provide a birth certificate for each child before they will be enrolled. Spouses are not eligible under the Seasonal Medical Benefits Plan. But, to enroll your stepchild(ren) you will need to provide your marriage certificate.
  2. Choose your medical plan. The plan you choose will also cover any family members you enroll. If you do not choose a medical plan, you will automatically be enrolled in the Advantage PPO plan. You will have the opportunity to change your medical plan election during each year’s open enrollment period.
  3. Contact JBT if do not receive a benefits package.

Seasonal Benefits (you attained three-year seniority status on or after July 1, 2003)

  1. When you receive your benefits package, complete and return the Enrollment Form for Seasonal Benefits. The form asks for your and your dependent child(ren)’s personal information (name, address, Social Security number, gender, date of birth, etc.). To cover your dependent child(ren) for dental coverage, you need to provide a birth certificate for each child before they will be enrolled. Spouses are not eligible for coverage under the New Entrant plan. But, to enroll your stepchild(ren) you will need to provide your marriage certificate.
  2. Contact JBT if do not receive a benefits package.

Open Enrollment (Full-Time Health Benefits + Seasonal Medical Health Benefits)

Open enrollment is your once-a-year opportunity to make medical plan changes. Open enrollment typically occurs during June. Your enrollment elections are effective July 1.

Watch for your open enrollment materials in the mail around this time each year. Your enrollment materials will include important information about any plan changes and the plan selection form.

Life Changes

You need to contact JBT if you experience any of these changes:

  • Name change.
  • Address change.
  • Divorce, or death of any covered family member.
  • Change in status or disability of a dependent.
  • Medicare enrollment or disenrollment.
  • A previously covered dependent no longer qualifies as a dependent.
  • You or your spouse/dependents have other health insurance coverage.

Legal documentation (for example, a copy of your divorce decree) will be required for certain changes.

Be sure to notify JBT immediately whenever a dependent loses coverage or if any of the other events listed above occur. If you fail to do so, you may:

  • Be liable to repay benefits provided to an ineligible person. JBT has the right to offset the amounts paid against future medical, dental, or vision benefits or take any other action to recover any overpayment of benefits.
  • Lose the right to elect and obtain COBRA continuation coverage.
  • Delay claims payments while you resolve eligibility issues.

As stated above, enrollment of new dependents is effective on the first day of the month all required documents are received. In the case of birth or adoption, enrollment will be retroactive to the date of birth or adoption provided all required documentation is submitted within 31 days.

Have you moved?

Make sure we have your most up-to-date address, so you continue to receive benefits and important updates.